VB.NET 改變桌面捷徑圖示
加入參考(COM) Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation (Windows\System32\Shell32.dll)
Dim dp = New DirectoryInfo( _ My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop) Dim ca = New DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath( _ Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)) Dim fd = ca.FullName.Replace(ca.Name, dp.Name) Dim n1 = String.Format("{0}.lnk", Name1) Dim n2 = String.Format("{0}.lnk", Name2) Dim k1 = IO.Path.Combine(fd, n1) If IO.File.Exists(k1) = False Then fd = dp.FullName k1 = IO.Path.Combine(fd, n1) If IO.File.Exists(k1) = False Then Return End If End If Dim sl = New Shell32.ShellClass Dim dr = sl.NameSpace(fd) Dim im = dr.Items.Item(n1) Dim lk = im.GetLink Dim ap = IO.Path.Combine(AppPath, _ String.Format("{0}.exe", Application.ProductName)) With lk .SetIconLocation(ap, IconIndex) .Save() End With sl = Nothing